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DIY Burn Away Cake Kit--Custom Icing Sheet Photo and Wafer Paper Topper

Cake Kits and Edible Sheets

DIY Burn Away Cake Kit--Custom Icing Sheet Photo and Wafer Paper Topper

Burning Cake.PNG
Burning Cake.PNG
Burning Cake.PNG
Burning Cake.PNG

DIY Burn Away Cake Kit--Custom Icing Sheet Photo and Wafer Paper Topper


Please message me with photos and/or images.

One image per sheet. Please email me with your image and sizing information.

Burning Cake Kit—Includes one custom photo on an icing sheet and one custom wafer topper and instructions on how to make the cake. Photo and topper have print area of approximately 8 x 10”. Shapes will not be pre-cut but will have an outline. Sheets are easily cut with scissors or an x-acto knife.

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