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Edible Toppers

Edible Precut Fall Leaves Wafer Paper

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Edible Precut Fall Leaves Wafer Paper

from $9.00

Edible precut Fall Leaves made from wafer paper in different design and color combinations, as pictured. Size options available: approximately 1.5” or approximately 2.5”. Please see photos for details. These are flat, 2-dimensional leaves.

PLEASE VIEW ALL PHOTOS AND PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO SIZING. Every cutout should have dimensions listed and a photo with cutouts on a sizing grid.

If you need additional details before ordering, please contact me. I’m happy to answer any questions you have!

All edible cutouts are made with kosher, vegan, gluten-free premium AD wafer paper made from potato starch, palm or olive oil, and water. The coloring I use is food grade, dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free, and FDA compliant, and passes all food safety tests. All airbrush colors are also food grade and fully edible. The dusts I use for an amazing shine for the metallic options are all-natural food grade dusts and are derived from plants, fruits, vegetables, roots seeds and minerals. Please note that I DO NOT use non-toxic highlighters, as they are not meant for consumption.

Although the ingredients are nut-free and kosher, my products are not made in a kosher, nut-free facility.

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