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Online Classes

Ocean Waves Online Cookie Class

Online Ocean Waves Pic.JPEG
Ocean Waves Square.JPG
Ocean Waves Plaque.JPG
Online Ocean Waves Pic.JPEG
Ocean Waves Square.JPG
Ocean Waves Plaque.JPG

Ocean Waves Online Cookie Class


Learn How to Decorate the Ocean Waves Cookie!

A Step-By-Step video shows the entire process for decorating the Ocean Waves cookie and then a silent 4-minute SpeedView video shows the process on a square cookie. Please note that this technique incorporates the use of an airbrush and vodka. A PDF is the download that goes along with this purchase. The videos are accessed from links on this PDF. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE PDF TO YOUR COMPUTER ASAP AFTER PURCHASING! Please note that this is for a single-person purchase. Please do not share the links, sell the videos, or recreate the videos for your own sales.

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