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Online Classes

The Lucky Leprechaun Online Video Class by The CookieMonger

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The Lucky Leprechaun Online Video Class by The CookieMonger


A 2-part video series on how to create The Lucky Leprechaun cookie. Includes an overview of how to mix the beard consistency, the full step-by-step process of the cookie, and helpful hints. This is a digital download of a PDF that has links to the videos and a Facebook group specifically for this class, if interested. Please do not share the links, sell or share the videos, or recreate the class for your own sales.

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A 2-part video series on how to create The Lucky Leprechaun cookie. Includes an overview of how to mix the beard consistency, the full step-by-step process of the cookie, and helpful hints. This is a digital download of a PDF that has links to the videos and a Facebook group specifically for this class, if interested. Please do not share the links, sell or share the videos, or recreate the class for your own sales.

This 2-part video class includes an overview of how to mix the perfect beard consistency, a step-by-step video of the cookie, and helpful hints. Total watching time is approximately 30 minutes. A downloadable PDF includes links to 2 videos and a link for a Facebook group where you can ask questions, see questions from others and answers to those questions, and see any other helpful hints. Please note that the PDF is the download that goes along with this purchase. The videos are accessed from links on this PDF. SquareSpace allows access to the downloadable PDF with those links ONLY for 24 HOURS after purchasing. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE PDF TO YOUR COMPUTER ASAP AFTER PURCHASING!

Please contact me if you have any questions or problems or if you need the links again. Access to these videos is permanent with your purchase.