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XO Lips Stencil Instant STL/SVG Downloads

Stencils, Tools, and Downloads

XO Lips Stencil Instant STL/SVG Downloads


XO Lips Stencil Instant STL/SVG Downloads



Sprinkle Stencil STL file and SVG file, as pictured. Each sprinkle opening is approximately 0.3". Stencil is approximately 8.2" x 4.2".

Please note that SquareSpace blocks access to files 24 hours after first opening. I have no idea why they do this! Please download all files to your computer for indefinite access. If you find you still need access after they have been blocked, please message me and I will email you the files!

Please message with any questions or if you have any downloading issues.

Files are for personal use only. Please do not sell digital files OR printed stencils.

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